Translation for Permanent Residency (PR) renewal in Toronto and Canada

If you need to submit your documents for Permanent Residency (PR) card renewal in Canada, you have to provide translation of passport stamps, visas, entry and exit marks and travel permits which are not duplicated in English or French. This procedure is especially important because you would have to provide evidence of meeting residency obligations in Canada for PR card renewal.

Lots of countries nowadays use border stamps where information in national language is fully repeated in English or in French. Others, however, do not translate it at all, such as, for example, Iran, Russia or even have partial translations, for instance UAE. In both cases certified translation of stamps will be required so the officer working with your documents will be able to check your submitted dates count.

It is important to use services of the professional Canadian translator with confirmed accreditation and certification. This way you will ensure your translation for PR renewal is accepted and there will be no additional questions later.

Professional certified translators will also assist you with conversion of dates if stamps in your passport are not in Gregorian calendar. However easy this job may look like, there are lots of traps and nuances needed to be aware of preparing translation for PR card renewal.

At DocsBase Canada we employ only domestic certified translation experts based in Toronto who work with 140 languages and have over 10 years f expertise translating passports and travel documents. You may fully rely on our professional team when a need arises to prepare certified translations for Citizenship or Permanent Residency application in Canada.

For your free of obligations quote, please take pictures or scanned copies of your passport pages with stamps and send them to us via email directly or using the quote submission form below. Should you have questions on preparations of your PR card renewal application translations in Toronto or anywhere in Canada, please feel free giving us a call 24/7. We are eager to help you.