
Certificate translation
Government, private institutions and semi-Government organizations often require certified translations of various certificates for the purpose of different applications.
Typically, such certificates include but not limited to:
- Birth certificate translation
- Marriage certificate translation
- Divorce certificate translation
- Death certificate translation
- School, College, University certificate, transcript, degree translation
- Certificate of safe driving record, abstract translation
- Immigration application documents certified translation
- And many more
Certified translations
Many organizations in Canada require translated documents to be officially certified by a professional translator. At DocsBase Toronto team we speak 140 languages and hold accreditations from Government departments as well as private organizations such as CTTIC, ATA, ATIO, OTTIAQ ensuring universal acceptance our translated works anywhere in Canada.
Birth certificate translation
The most common translation service is birth certificate translation in Toronto. DocsBase team could translate your birth certificate professionally and inexpensively for one day or less. Use our free quote form for your birth certificate translation today.
Marriage certificate translation
Marriage certificate translation might be required for various official jurisdictions in Toronto, all over Canada and abroad. Contact our professional team of certified translators today for your free estimate. We translate marriage certificates every day fast and inexpensive.
Death certificate translation
Many jurisdictions, including banks may require official translation of death certificates. DocsBase Toronto team will translate death certificate for you professionally and for a portion of cost you may see at other professional translation companies. Contact our friendly staff today for your free quote of death certificate translation
Divorce certificate translation
Official translation of divorce certificate is needed very often when submitting your documents to lots of official jurisdictions in Toronto, across Canada and abroad. DocsBase Toronto team will prepare for you translation of divorce certificate and will officially certify it.
Degrees and Academic records translation
Our team prepares certified translations of various educational documents: University degrees, College certificates and diplomas, school certificates, transcripts. Have your academic credentials translated with us today. DocsBase Toronto team works 24/7 for you.
Police clearance certificates translation
At our office in Toronto we officially translate police clearance certificates for various jurisdictions in Canada. Let our professional translation team help you today with official translation of police clearance certificates.
Other personal documents translation
At DocsBase Toronto we do lots of personal certificates translations. For over ten years of our professional work we have created a truly unique repository of documents and forms from all over the world allowing us to prepare documents quickly, inexpensively and with the highest quality. Contact our professional translation team today for your free cost estimate and consultation.