Document translation services in Toronto, Canada
At DocsBase Canada we translate documents from and into 140 languages of the world working with the most popular ones, such as English, Spanish and French to the least used ones such as Bube or Kirunde.
Excellence is built into every step of our translation services works from the quote estimation to proofreading and translation certification. Our pool of domestic individually certified translators with accreditations from ATA, ATIO, OTTIAQ allows us to guarantee universal acceptance of our documents translations all over Canada and USA.
With over 10 years of experience we have created a truly unique repository of documents and standard forms from all over the world. This database contributes a lot to our unbeatable turnaround time and inexpensiveness of our translation services. We process most of documents in just less than a day with our standard pace and offer urgent translations as well. When it comes to the pricing, we strive to offer to our clients professional documents translation works for just a portion of a cost you may experience from other professional translation companies.
Every day DocsBase experts translate documents from and into English and 140 other languages the following documents: passports, visas, entry and exit permits, marriage, birth, death, divorce certificates, driver license, diploma, degree, transcript, academic excellence certificate and many more.
All of the translations are professionally certified for universal acceptance across Canada and USA. We deliver translated documents anywhere continent-wide including Vancouver, New York, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and other cities and towns. Alternatively, you may come to our conveniently located Toronto office and pick up documents there.
Simply contact us today for your professional and certified documents translation services. You may reach us 24/7 by the phone, email or by simply stepping into our office during working hours. We will be glad to help you.